• Single-sided Tape
    Product Information
  • Product/Color Structure
    Adhesive Strength
    Tensil Strength
    elongation(%) Temperature


    3310S(Blue) Halogen free PO Film 0.08 80 100 Excellent abrasion resistance. Excellent converting Case, side protection
    3310T(Trans) Halogen free PO Film 0.065 45 100 Excellent abrasion resistance. Excellent conversion lens for protection.
    1850(Black) PET/Acrylic Battery replacement for insulation and shading purposes .850Black.
    3357B(Flame Retardant) PET/Acrylic 0.025 0.07 UL510. Spread sheets and wires Fixing. Other Flame Retardant Tapes cross purposes.
    3357C(Flame Retardant) PET/Acrylic 0.025 0.07 UL510. Spread sheets and wires Fixing. Other Flame Retardant Tapes cross purposes.
    3357G(Flame Retardant) PET/Acrylic 0.027 0.07 UL510. Spread sheets and wires Fixing. Other Flame Retardant Tapes cross purposes.
    3357W(Flame Retardant) PET/Acrylic 0.023 0.07 UL510. Spread sheets and wires Fixing. Other Flame Retardant Tapes cross purposes.
    3357FRB(Flame Retardant) PET/Acrylic 0.025 0.07 UL510. Spread sheets and wires Fixing. Other Flame Retardant Tapes cross purposes.
    3357FRW(Flame Retardant) PET/Acrylic 0.023 0.07 UL510. Spread sheets and wires Fixing. Other Flame Retardant Tapes cross purposes.
    307 BOPP Film/
    0.025 0.047 480 8.16 More than 150 - Lightweight for Box packing.
    309 BOPP Film/
    0.028 0.05 500 8.92 More than 150 - Lightweight for Box packing.
    311 BOPP Film/
    0.028 0.052 520 8.92 More than 150 - Box packing for the weight.
    313 BOPP Film/
    0.04 0.065 620 11.22 More than 150 - Box packing for the weight.
    315 BOPP Film/
    0.06 0.09 700 15.8 More than 150 - The weight for a very large Box packing.